
Friday, 10 August 2018

Ai can detect your personality type by looking at your eye movements

Researchers have developed an Artificial intelligence (AI)-based system that can reveal your personality type just by looking at your eye movements. The system uses Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to demonstrate a link between personality and eye movements. The findings showed that people’s eye movements reveal whether they are sociable, conscientious or curious, with the algorithm software reliably recognising four of the “Big Five” personality traits — neuroticism, extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness.

                       Personality Data  
Curious people look around more and open-minded people stare at images.

Scientists say this finding could help robots better understand humans.

Questionnaire broke down personality into 'Big Five' traits used in psychology

According to new research, AI can track your eye movements to tell your personality. Researchers from the University of South Australia in partnership with the University of Stuttgart, Flinders University and the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Germany,

Researchers tracked the eye movements of 42 participants as they did everyday tasks around a university campus, then assessed their personality traits using a questionnaire. Since the research was conducted in an open, real world setting instead of a laboratory setting, it also provided more natural responses. The machine-learning algorithms reliably recognized neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness based on the subjects' eye movements.

'Personality traits characterise an individual's patterns of behaviour, thinking, and feeling', researchers wrote in their paper published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

'Studies reporting relationships between personality traits and eye movements suggest that people with similar traits tend to move their eyes in similar ways.'

Researchers found that people who were neurotic usually blinked faster while people who were open to new experiences moved their eyes more from side-to-side.

People who had high levels of conscientiousness had greater fluctuations in their pupil size.

Optimists spent less time looking at negative emotional stimuli (such as image of skin cancer) than people who were pessimistic.

'Besides allowing us to perceive our surroundings, eye movements are also a window into our mind and a rich source of information on who we are, how we feel, and what we do', researchers wrote.

“People are always looking for improved, personalised services. However, today’s robots and computers are not socially aware so they cannot adapt to non-verbal cues,” said Dr Tobias Loetscher from University of South Australia. “This research provides opportunities to develop robots and computers so that they can become more natural, and better at interpreting human social signals,” Loetscher added in a university statement.

"Thanks to our machine-learning approach, we not only validate the role of personality in explaining eye movement in everyday life, but also reveal new eye movement characteristics as predictors of personality traits,” said Loetscher.
'The proposed machine learning approach was particularly successful in predicting levels of agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, and perceptual curiosity'.

Scientists found the machine is currently between seven and 15 per cent better than random chance at predicting these traits.

However, it is no better than random chance at predicting openness.

Researcher do not know why there are these links but say that it will help them to teach robots to be more socially aware.

It could be put in smartphones that understand and predict our behaviour, potentially offering personalised support.

They could also be used by robot companions for older people, or in self-driving cars and interactive video games.

Researchers warn that the technology would have to be regulated so it was not misused by marketers.

'Improving automatic recognition and interpretation of human social signals is an important endeavor, enabling innovative design of human–computer systems capable of sensing spontaneous natural user behavior to facilitate efficient interaction and personalization', researchers wrote.

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